Le rôle et la place du métalangage dans l'apprentissage d’une langue étrangère


1 Allame Tabatabaei University

2 University of Tehran


Arthur de Gobineau: Genesis and Resources of History of Ghanbar AliTahmouress SADJEDIAssistant Professor, University of TehranSadjedi1330@ut.ac.ir(Received: 08.05.2009, Accepted: 16.09.2009)AbstractArthur de Gobineau in the introduction to his book, the writer who has compiled his personal grudge against Iranians. In order to eliminate these doubts and misconceptions, Arthurde Gobineau took to writing the above collection. He has paid special attention to the history of"Ghanbar Ali", pointing out the characteristics, customs and traditions of Iranians. Additionally, hehas described strike, pilgrimages and travels. He has simultaneously considered the two significantroles of comparative literature in relation to the above factors: the various origins of the story andtheir progress through the ages as well as the resources which form an integral part to the factualtruths of the story.Asian Novels (1876) states that James Morier,The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isphahan (1824) has effectively usedKey words: Arthur de Gobineau, history of Ghanbar Ali, genesis, resource, journey, women, strike

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