Le temps mystique à travers l’œuvre de Mawlânâ Rûmi et Hâfez

Type de document : Original Article


Doctorante en lettres françaises à l'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth Enseignante, Université Shahid Chamran


Ghaletaki, LeilaDoctorate, University of Saint-Joseph, BeirutAssistant, University of Ahvazghalehtaki_leila@yahoo.comReceived: ١٢٫٠٢٫٢٠١٢ Accepted: ١٠٫٠٣٫٢٠١٢Time is one of our life’s realities and one of the dimensions of our existence. Itexerts its power over mankind, leading him to his eventual demise. Thus it occupiesan important place in the man’s imagination. Realizing the mortality of man and ofthe ephemeral characteristic of the material world, and in other words, of theindisputable power of time, the mystics tried to conquer time and, through mysticism,to transform the mortal man into an eternal one. This study is an attempt to define themystic time in Iranian mystic poetry of Mawlânâ Rumi and Hâfez. To do this, we relyon the methods of the imaginary and the thematic criticisms expressed primarily byGaston Bachelard, Georges Poulet, Gilbert Durand and Jean-Pierre Richard.Key words: time, passage of time, mystic time, Mawlânâ, Hâfez.

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