Lecteur dynamique et littérature de jeunesse: didactique du texte littéraire à l'université

Type de document : Original Article


Maître Assistant, Université Mohamed V, Soussi


    Dynamic Reading and Children's Literature: Teaching Literary Texts at the University     Jabali, Jamal   University of Mohamed V, Morocco   jamal.jj@gmail.com     Received: 27.10.2012 Accepted: 22.01.2013     The modern theories of reading focus on the needs of the real reader who is concrete and dynamic in literature especially that addressed to a young audience. Although it is good or bad quality. It is part of mass literature all academic curriculums save the cultural content of the educational goals. It is question of building and developing the cultural competence of the reader student who addresses the literary texts.   Such a situation is encouraging us to test the functions of the literary text in the context of the youth literature, and its place within the academic practice teaching of French, and entering the design of literary product as an object of knowledge for students .That is why we write our article within a theoretical framework and repository that is the Pedagogy of reading, as well as, the methodological framework of the descriptive core search focused on the conceptual analysis.     Keywords: Teaching literary texts, Children's Literature, dynamic reader (model), real reader, Interpretation Program / Pact reading, Updating sense.  

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