Le statut du langage dans Fin de partiede Samuel Beckett et Afraou Le jour passede Bahram Beyzaï

Type de document : Original Article


1 M.A. es Lettres, Université d’Ispahan, Ispahan, Iran

2 Maître assistante, Université d’Ispahan, Ispahan, Iran


The theater as the gestural and oral representation of a fiction, possesses a verbal language and a non-verbal or scenic language. The aim of this study is to analyze the verbal language in two plays of two different cultures, at the End of game of Beckett and Afra or The day passes of Beyzaï. The first one is considered as an example of the new theater named theater of absurd, worth knowing modern plays and the authors who implicate and deny the traditional elements of the western theater. The play of Beyzaï can be also considered as a modern play as far as she borrows it essential characteristics. Nevertheless, on the other side, it bases well on the traditional cultural foundations. This study tries to analyze similarities and differences between these two plays through the verbal aspects and to see how the play of Beyzaï can heighten as the example of the absurd theater.

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