Etude Sémiotique de la couverture des méthodes du FLE

Type de document : Original Article


1 Master II, Université TarbiatModares, Téhéran, Iran

2 Maître de conférences, Université TarbiatModares, Téhéran, Iran


Methods of teaching / learning of French as a foreign language have evolved considerably since the 60s. These developments have led to the total change of textbooks from the point of view of their content. This change is related to the form of expression representing the cover of these methods. This research examines the relationship that may exist between the content of French language methods and their visual representation through the semiotic study of five methods cover of French as a foreign language which conform to three didactic approaches in adult learners. In fact, our research is based on the theoretical concept of semiotics of Paris school in which there is a reciprocal relationship between form and content of language. It is therefore important to know, from the perspective of semiotic modalities, how the content of each manual is transmitted in the form of the expression of its cover. Thus the other aim of this research is to investigate the changes in these manuals cover based on the interrelation between the conceptual and pedagogical aim of each approach and its semio- didactic representation.

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